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Knowing if your Privacy is at risk

Have you noticed unusual posts or changes on your website, bank accounts, our other personal private things you have access to online. If yes you need to discontinue the account immediately and call a Representative who works for the company and tell the whats going on right away! Give them the information of what damage was done and the exact time you noticed it. Many people have their privacy rights took from the with out even realizing it until months after the incident happened or all their money is suddenly gone. 

Ways to prevent this is:

-Always keep an eye on all your accounts containing money and things that are important to you.

-Remember all your passwords and don't tell anyone them.

-You should also change your passwords about once a month.

-Your password should not be common. Ex your birthday,phone number,house address,or 1234 these are the first thing criminals tend to try.

And when using public computers never leave passwords or accounts logged in.

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